Monday, November 2, 2009

Alternative Ways To Market Minus The Expensive Costs

By: Lynne Saarte

When marketing your business, you do not have to break the bank just so you can have yourself a promotional campaign that can generate leads. These are precisely the times to be conscious of where your hard earned money is going. As such, you really have to look into possible ways that you can save on costs on your marketing efforts.

Times are hard and you might find yourself struggling to keep on attracting new clients to your business. And although it is quite tempting, do not even think about cutting your marketing budget just so you can make ends meet. If you want to start losing your client base then go right ahead and stop your marketing activities. But if you want to survive these difficult times and remain on top, you have to start thinking of clever ways to promote your business.

You do not have to regularly come up with more costly collaterals such as catalog printing or print brochures so that you can have as many leads as possible. There are other cost-effective ways to go about marketing other than your print catalogs. Here is how:

1. Market with thank you note cards.

You can always purchase a pile of them at discount shops, and then send them to your loyal clients just to let them know that you appreciate the business they provide you. Handwrite the message to make it more personal. And end with a wish for their success and well-being.

2. Be an expert.

Write articles on your expertise. If you are in catalog printing, then write articles on how to print catalogs that work and then submit these articles on websites. The more people who will be able to read your articles, the more chances of your expertise to get you the leads you need for your client base.

3. Share data and information.

This time, if you found a great article, you can share it with your customers that will appreciate such information. It will show that you are interested in them, so much so that you are keeping tabs of what can provide them solutions to some of their issues.

4. Contact people. Talk to them.

This is the most basic means to get in touch with your target clients. Just go ahead, pick up the phone and dial that number. Ask for feedback on current marketing campaigns or the ones you did for them last year. By getting in touch, you will be able to generate new business and revive old ones in the process.

5. Network, network, network

Go to events and attend trade show exhibits. But bear in mind that networking is not about getting as many business cards as you can. Networking is about making connections and forming working relationships that can help you grow your business.

There are lots more ways to market your business without costing you an arm and a leg. You just have to be creative in finding out the means to promote what you have according to your budget to generate leads for your business.

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About The Author

Lynne Saarte is a writer that hails from Texas. She has been in the Internet business for some years now, specializing in Internet marketing and other online business strategies.


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